Tests and Procedures

Auditory brainstem implant

Overview Why it's done Risks What you can expect Results

What you can expect

During the procedure

Auditory brainstem implants have three main parts:

  • A microphone and sound processor positioned behind the ear to pick up sounds
  • A decoding chip placed under the skin to transmit information picked up by the microphone
  • Electrodes connected directly to the brainstem that, when stimulated, alert you to sound

If you have neurofibromatosis type 2, the surgery is often performed at the same time tumors are removed from the hearing (auditory) nerves.

After the procedure

After surgery, you'll need many sessions with an audiologist to adjust the sound processor and learn how to use and interpret the signals. This process can take many months. You'll generally see an audiologist every two to four months the first year and annually after the first year.